PE at Coleridge
Coleridge Primary School PE
Concepts Overview 2022/23
The PE curriculum aims to ensure that all pupils:
- Develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activity
- Ensure children are physically active for sustained periods of time
- Children are engaged in competitive sports and activities
- Lead healthy, active live and have a long lasting love for physical education and active lifestyles.
- General
- Dance
- Gymnastics
- Athletics
- Striking & Fielding
- Invasion Games
- Net/Wall/ Games
- Swimming
What does PE look like at Coleridge Primary?
Sport is an integral part of life at Coleridge Primary School. It provides an opportunity for us to gain confidence, develop physical fitness and learn a range of skills and techniques in a wide variety of sports. We aim to allow to experience a range of different sports, providing extra- curricular opportunities and competition.
Our aim is to create individuals who have a lifelong love of sport and who play for many years to come.
As children grow, we hope they reflect back on positive experiences of school sport whilst at our school. We also aim to signpost talented individuals to clubs in the local area and promote positive relationships with different sporting organisations.
What are our key concepts?
Concept 1:
Competence: The selection and application of skills, tactics and compositional ideas. The readiness of body and mind to cope with physical activity.
What specific skills are required to succeed at this particular activity?
What tactical understanding will allow me to have success at this particular sport?
Concept 2:
Performance/Skill: Using physical competence and knowledge to gain a better understanding of physical activity
What are the key characteristics of the skill?
How do I apply the taught skill in this particular sport?
Concept 3:
Creativity: Exploring and experimenting with techniques, tactics and compositional ideas to produce efficient and effective outcomes.
How can I apply my knowledge of different skills within a game based situation?
How can I apply my creative skills to outwit & outthink my opponent?
Concept 4:
Healthy/Active Lifestyles Understanding the positive contribution that regular, fit for purpose physical activity makes to the physical and mental health of the individual in preparation for their future lives.
Why is physical activity important to us and our lifestyle?
How can we positively contribute to particular lesson, to support myself and others?
Concept 5:
Evaluation and analysis: Comparing performance with previous ones and those of others to demonstrate improvement to achieve their personal best.
How and why did I have success at a certain sport?
What skills have I acquired during this particular lesson?
We also have a number of second order concepts which are strands which run through each of these specific areas:
Second order concepts:
These can be used across all aspects of a subject to organise the substantive knowledge taught.
- Teamwork (Communication and the understanding of the strengths of others)
- Respect (Respect for inclusion, diversity and the rules of the game)
- Self-discipline (regulate own emotions)
- Participation (Confidence and a positive mental attitude towards partaking within a range of physical activities)