Online Saftey
At Coleridge Primary School we aim to prepare young people for the digital world that they are being immersed into every day. It is important that they are educated and given the tools that are needed for them to be more resilient online and allow them to become constructive and self-aware members of the online world.
We deliver this through a robust computing curriculum that draws attention to online safety throughout their life at Coleridge Primary school.
To compliment the curriculum, we also have termly focus days and activities to raise awareness of Online Safety within school, Family Workshops to share knowledge and awareness with the families in our school community and a comprehensive monitoring system within the school which logs all of the online activity in school and allows us to ensure the safety of children and staff.
Finally, all staff complete a yearly training course focused on online safety and the dangers that the children may face so that they can share their knowledge and experience.