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Contact Us

Contact Information

If any parents or members of the public have any queries about the school, could they contact Ian Tankard at

If any parents would like to contact the Chair of Governors (Ray Griffiths), they can do so via the school office.

If any parents would like to contact our SENDCO around any concerns about their child’s development, please email Sarish Ahmed at

If you require a hard copy of any of the policies or any other information on the website, please get in touch with the office using 01709828988


Mr I Tankard, Headteacher
Coleridge Primary School
Coleridge Road, Rotherham
South Yorkshire
S65 1LW

Telephone: (01709) 828988


If you are struggling to find the school or plan the route, please click on the link below:

If you want to visit us by public transport then please use the folling link to find buses that stop on Doncaster Road:


The Central Learning Partnership Trust is based at Heath Park school.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have. If you require a hard copy of any of the policies or any other information on the website, please email

General Enquiries
Heath Park School
Prestwood Road,
Wolverhampton, West Midlands
WV11 1RD

t: 01902 556360
Mr Doug Selkirk OBE, CEO
Heath Park School
Prestwood Road,
Wolverhampton, West Midlands
WV11 1RD
t: 01902 556360