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EYFS Assessment

Assessment in EYFS

EYFS Baseline

What is the EYFS Baseline?

All children starting in F2 participate in the reception baseline assessment (RBA) within the first 6 weeks of starting F2. The purpose of the assessment is to provide the starting point for a new measure that will help parents understand how well schools support their pupils to progress between reception and year 6.

The baseline assessment is a short, interactive and practical assessment of your child’s early literacy, communication, language and mathematics skills when they begin school, using materials that most children of your child’s age will be familiar with. It became statutory for all schools from September 2021.

The baseline assessment is not about judging or labelling the en or putting them under any pressure. Children cannot ‘pass’ or ‘fail’ the assessment. Its main purpose is to create a starting point to measure the progress schools make with their pupils.

Please see the attached leaflet for more information:

EYFS Profile

What is the EYFS profile?

The EYFS profile is sometimes known as the early years profile or EYFSP. It summarises a child’s attainment at the end of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), which is when they finish their F2. In September, the child will then move into key stage 1 as they enter their year 1 class.

The EYFS profile summarises a child’s attainment against the early learning goals. There are seventeen early learning goals (sometimes shortened to ELGs) across all the Areas of Learning. The early learning goals are the goals or targets that children are working to achieve by the end of F2. The goals cover a range of skills that children will have been learning and practising throughout the Early Years Foundation Stage. You can see a list of the early learning goals here:

How will the profile be completed?

Reception teachers will use their knowledge of what each child knows, understands and can do in order to decide the outcomes presented in the profile. They will also take into account the views of other people, including parents and carers, other members of staff and other agencies, such as childminders or speech and language teachers.

For each of the seventeen early learning goals, children will be awarded an outcome.

This will be either:

• ‘Emerging’ – meaning that the child is not yet reaching the expected level

• ‘Expected’ – meaning the child has reached the expected level

These outcomes will be shared with the child’s parents/carers and their year 1 teacher. Remember, there is no need to worry if your child is given an emerging level for one or more of the goals. Children develop at different rates and the main purpose of the profile is to provide support for each child at the correct level as they continue through the school. The main purpose of the EYFS profile is to help create a smooth transition into year 1. The profile results will be shared and discussed with

the child’s year 1 teacher to enable them to plan activities to meet the needs of all children in the class and to develop an understanding of each child’s needs.

Please see the EYFS Profile handbook for more information: