Coleridge Leads the Way
At Coleridge, we believe that all children should have a voice in the direction of the school and want to promote leadership throughout the school and, as a result, use Coleridge Leads the Way to ensure children have a sense of belonging within our school. We have implemented a house system within school to promote leadership at all levels and to ensure that all children feel part of decisions within school. The main aim is to ensure children feel their voice is listened to and they feel confident to express their opinions in school and beyond. We have linked the 4 teams to our 4 core values of Aspire, Desire, Believe and Achieve. We have ensured that all houses feel a sense of belonging by wearing badges to showcase what team they are in. The house teams have developed Pupil Voice by using the British Value of Democracy to vote for a Reading Shed in Mrs Holland’s memorial garden. They also decided what rewards they’d like to access for 100% attendance club and also ways in which they’d like to support Afghan refugees.
As stated earlier, leadership at all levels in school, including students, is a key component of OFSTED’s EIF. As a result, we have ensured that we have as many leaders as possible within each house. These leaders are replacing school council as it will be a wider group of children representing different year groups across school. We have several roles within school that link to leadership positions. House Captains are positive role-models from Y6 that ensure that all members of their team are following the Golden Rules. Prefects’ role in school is to ensure they create a positive learning environment in the classroom and reward good behaviour. Camerado Cadets are leaders in the class that make sure that all pupils play with respect and kindness and they nominate the Camerado of the week for their class in celebration assembly. Our Eco-Warriors role is to ensure that we look after our school community with litter picks, ensuring the Memorial Garden is looked after and re-cycling takes place in school. Our Health and Well-being leads ensure that activities and games run smoothly at play and dinner times, whilst also rewarding children with team points who bring in healthy lunches. We ensure that these areas link to people of significance in History. An example of this is Barack Obama is linked to our House Captains. We will then focus on Obama during Black History month and will look at creating poetry linked to him as a way of broadening our children’s cultural capital and Historical understanding so children are taught about these historical leaders throughout the curriculum.