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Parent Questionnaire Data

Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Don’t Know
1 My child is happy at Coleridge. 83% 17% 0% 0% 0%
2 My child feels safe at Coleridge. 73% 27% 0% 0% 0%
3 Coleridge makes sure its pupils are well behaved. 63% 37% 0% 0% 0%
4 The staff at Coleridge deal with behaviour incidents quickly and effectively. 67% 27% 0% 2% 4%
5 The school makes me aware of what my child will learn during the year. 63% 31% 4% 0% 2%
6 When I have raised concerns with the school, they have been dealt with properly. 73% 17% 2% 0% 8%
7 The school has high expectations for my child. 71% 25% 0% 0% 4%
8 My child does well at school. 69% 27% 2% 0% 2%
9 The school lets me know how my child is doing through parent evening meetings or phone calls. 69% 25% 4% 0% 2%
10 There is a good range of subjects available to my child at this school. 60% 35% 0% 0% 4%
11 My child can take part in clubs and activities at this school. 79% 19% 2% 0% 0%
12 The school supports my child’s wider personal development. 69% 25% 2% 0% 4%
13 I would recommend this school to another parent. 75% 21% 0% 0% 4%

Comments and Suggestions

1. What’s working well in the school?

Morning greeting is always nice and welcoming.

I feel it is a lovely school and the children are happy

Good reading/English.

Time keeping

Working together to enable children to maintain a good level of education

Communication between parents and the school


Friendly. Nice staff don’t tolerate bullying.

Use of social media to share achievements

New head teacher is fantastic get issues resolved promptly

Since new head has come in there is a lot of changes and they seem to be working kids seem to be happier.

My child is doing amazing in school and i couldn’t be happier

Everything is absolutely amazing everything works so well

2. What can we improve upon?

Been kept up to date with progress, what they are learning.

More consideration to the less fortunate families when arranging the numerous dress up days

A wider range of after school clubs

More support for children struggling in certain subjects. More understanding if the child is struggling in certain subjects

Giving school kids home work and books to learn at home.

To be able to keep information of school trips by letters sent home , ensuring that there is a part to be able to keep as well as a part to send back rather than information only on both sides resulting in sending the whole letter back to schools. This will help parents/ carers.

Interactive learning outside the classroom


Kids behaviour and punishment when not behaved.

Phone calls home for positive behaviour/accomplishments

Childrens behaviour their a certain number of children who are always bulling younger children

Sen need improvement

3. What one change would you make to school?

Homework with feedback on how it went.

I would change the classes back to single year group per class as I am not happy with the mixed year groups

Providing parents with more access to what their children learn about

More after school clubs, extra-curricular after school clubs to support struggling students.

I would give kids home work every Friday on what we learnt that week so I see if they understood well. I would also sometimes give them books to take home and go through everything with their parents.  Parents need to know what kids are learning and be able to help at home .

No tests!!

Good kids don’t get praised as all attention is on naughty ones that can’t behave then they get praised for behaving because they haven’t all week and ones who are good all time don’t get recognised

To have a permanent after school club like breakfast club for working parents

Nothing to change