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Welcome to Coleridge Primary Schools Website! Coleridge is a vibrant, multi-cultural school that is located in the centre of Rotherham. Our main vision is to create engaged learners who aspire to be their best and have a love of learning. As a result, our school vision statement is 'Together: achieving excellence every day,' which encompasses how our whole school community works together for the very best for our children.

As a school, we believe that daily high-quality teaching is integral to children’s love of learning. Ensuring that children are engaged and stimulated in their learning is vital to promote effective progress but also to raise aspirations and enhance life experiences. All staff aim to give your child the best education possible to ensure our children are keen learners and ambitious to improve.

As a staff, we all have aspirations to be the best. As a leadership team, we strive for excellence and will constantly develop practice and provision to ensure that your children receive a first-class education. As parents, we know that you will have great aspirations for your child. We want to share and nurture those aspirations and support your children to make them become a reality.

We feel our school is at its best when we work alongside the community. We want to ensure that all families feel involved within the life of school. Our classroom doors are always open every morning and we encourage you to come and support your children within their learning.

The website has been designed to give you an insight into our school and all the relevant information you may need. If you haven’t already visited us please come and see the school in action, we would be delighted to show you around.

Best wishes,

Mr Ian Tankard, Headteacher

Latest News

Christmas HAF Programme

Coleridge hosted a Christmas HAF programme in December to give all our families an opportunity to celebrate at this festive part of the year. This year’s event was a significant milestone, successfully bringing our community...

Free Family Learning

This family learning session will be creative and fun we will design and create our very own piece of art. We will explore the creative art style of the incredible artists, Banksy.

Hands-on History

Free creative family learning for Year 3 children and families. The exciting family fun learning session will explore the stoneage. 25th September 2024 – 9am to 11am at Coleridge Primary School

Crafty Superheroes

Free creative family learning for Year 1 children and families. Create your own superhero cape, mask and cuffs. 15th October 2024 – 9am to 11am at Coleridge Primary School

Coleridge House Points

5552 Aspire
4892 Desire
5794 Believe
4598 Achieve